Jin Wang 汪瑾


2250 Shealy Dr,

Room 499-222,

Gainesville, FL 32608

I am a Ph.D. student from Dr. Haipeng Yu’s lab in the Department of Animal Sciences at the University of Florida.

My research interest focuses on using computer vision and machine learning to collect and incorporate high-throughput animal phenomics data to improve animal agriculture.


Mar 2, 2024 New paper accepted🎉. M. B. Ugarte Marin, K. N. Gingerich, J. Wang, H. Yu, E. K. Miller-Cushon. Effects of space allowance on patterns of activity in group-housed dairy calves. JDS Communications . doi: 10.3168/jdsc.2023-0486
Dec 4, 2023 My first first author paper is accepted!🎉🎉🎉. Jin Wang, Yu Hu, Lirong Xiang, Gota Morota, Samantha A. Brooks, Carissa L. Wickens, Emily K. Miller-Cushon and Haipeng Yu. Technical note: ShinyAnimalCV: open-source cloud-based web application for object detection, segmentation, and three-dimensional visualization of animals using computer vision. Journal of Animal Science . doi: 10.1093/jas/skad416
Oct 13, 2023 New paper accepted🎉. Ye Bi, Leticia M. Campos, Jin Wang, Haipeng Yu, Mark D. Hanigan, and Gota Morota. Depth video data-enabled predictions of longitudinal dairy cow body weight using thresholding and Mask R-CNN algorithms. Smart Agricultural Technology . doi: 10.1016/j.atech.2023.100352
Oct 13, 2023 Oral Presentation. I presented my first oral presentation “Impact of cross-validation strategies on machine learning- and deep learning-based cattle behavior predictions using tri-axial accelerometer data” at the UF IFAS Animal Science Graduate Symposium.
Jul 26, 2023 New preprint. Jin Wang, Yu Hu, Lirong Xiang, Gota Morota, Samantha A. Brooks, Carissa L. Wickens, Emily K. Miller-Cushon and Haipeng Yu. Technical note: ShinyAnimalCV: open-source cloud-based web application for object detection, segmentation, and three-dimensional visualization of animals using computer vision. doi: arXiv:2307.14487